Our Clubs

2 bottles, six times a year. Average cost $150

Six times a year we will ship you two bottles of select wines for your tasting enjoyment. Enclosed in each shipment you will find all the pertinent facts regarding each wine, notes from thewinemaker, and useful wine and food pairings.

Paradise Mixed Clubmembers receive a 20% discount on their bi-monthly selections, on any wine purchases of less than one case, 15% on most non-wine gift items, and a 30% discount on current release wine purchases of one case or more - Mix or Match!

Members also receive complimentary wine tasting for up to four people.

Additional member benefits include special Paradise Mixed Club Member Discounts, Members Only Club Events, Discounts On Special Winery Events, Special Limited Bottlings, Food Pairing Ideas and More!

As a member, we offer unique food and wine pairing ideas. At Gregory Wines, we love discovering wonderful new recipes. Just as the right combination of ingredients complements each other to create a gourmet dish, pairing the right wine with a meal creates a combination that celebrates and enhances the overall experience of both food and wine.

There is no membership fee to join. You are obligated to receive a minimum of three shipments.

4 bottles, six times a year. Average cost $160

The Pinot Paradise Wine Club is our premier club for pinot lovers.

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Give the wine lover's gift that keeps on giving, with a Gift Wine Club Membership! You can choose the term for the gift shipment, and pay for the gift club shipment. Every time we issue a wine club shipment, your guest will receive one.